Embracing Economic Traditions
Economic activity has deep roots within the Anindilyakwa community, extending far beyond contemporary times. Long before European settlement, a vibrant trade existed with the Macassans who journeyed to this region approximately 900 years ago in search of Trepang or Sea Cucumber. This historical connection is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Anindilyakwa people.
The Hybrid Economy: A Guiding Philosophy
At GHAC, our approach to economic development is anchored in the profound significance and untapped potential of the “Hybrid Economy.” This unique philosophy integrates the natural assets and strengths ingrained in the culture of the Anindilyakwa people. By strategically linking the customary (culture) economy with investments from the government (State) and private sector (market), GHAC is paving the way for the emergence of a true hybrid economy.
Walk alongside us on our journey where tradition meets innovation, where the echoes of the past guide the aspirations of the future. Nurturing a Sustainable Hybrid Economy for the Anindilyakwa Community.
Shaping Our Destiny: Strategic 15-Year Plan
Embracing the reality that mining on Groote Eylandt holds a finite lifespan, currently estimated at 7 years, the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) is proactively preparing for the post-mining era. In navigating this transition, we recognise the importance of community empowerment and active involvement of the Anindilyakwa people in shaping the overall plan for Groote.
As stewards of our cultural heritage, we diligently monitor global economic shifts, strategically positioning ourselves for a sustainable, culturally rich, and economically independent future, liberated from reliance on mining royalty income.
Empowering the Anindilyakwa Community
This Strategic Plan is not just a document; it is a tool that empowers the Anindilyakwa people to chart their own future. Rooted in a consultative process, the plan holds dual objectives: to ensure that Traditional Owners make informed decisions and to align decision-making processes with the cultural tenets and drivers that guide choices within our own culture. Our commitment to cultural preservation and community engagement is reflected in every facet of this plan.
Throughout its development, the Groote Eylandt community has voiced its aspirations, encapsulated in three guiding vision statements:
- Protect, maintain, and promote Anindilyakwa culture.
- Invest in the present to build a self-sufficient future.
- Create pathways for youth to stand in both worlds.
Let’s chart a course towards a future where the Anindilyakwa community not only thrives but actively shapes the future of Groote Eylandt.