Embracing Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future

A Vision for a Cleaner Energy Landscape

In the pursuit of a sustainable and eco-friendly future, the Groote Archipelago communities are set to embark on a transformative journey by establishing a solar farm on the island. This initiative marks a significant leap towards minimising energy risk, steering away from diesel dependence, and embracing a clean, renewable energy source that will fuel new businesses, industries, and communities.

Traditional Owners Leading the Way

Driven by a commitment to reduce reliance on non-renewable resources, Traditional Owners are at the forefront of this transition to renewable energy. Their vision encompasses not only an immediate shift in power generation but also a long-term commitment to fostering a clean-energy future for the generations to come.

Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Current Power Dynamics

Currently, the communities of Angurugu, Alyangula, and Malkala are powered by the GEMCO network, which also supplies energy to the manganese mine and operations. While GEMCO’s power station operates diesel generators, the communities of Umbakumba and Milyakburra rely on Power and Water Corporation (PWC) utilising diesel generators.

Empowering Outstations with Solar Solutions

Recognising the need for self-sufficiency, the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) has already made strides in providing outstations such as Bartalumba Bay, Little Paradise, Four Mile, Emerald River, and Thompson Bay with rooftop Solar-PV systems and battery storage. This has not only enhanced the quality of life for residents but also exemplifies the potential of low-cost, renewable energy to power essential needs.

Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future

GEMCO’s Role and Future Plans

With GEMCO expected to conclude mining operations in 10 years and expressing no plans to augment or transition their existing generation capacity to renewables, a clear pathway for a solar network emerges. Recent clarifications have reduced the expected demand from a future solar network, significantly diminishing the required solar-farm footprint.

Future-Ready: Staggered Roll-Out and Microgrids

In light of these developments, a forward-thinking approach is adopted. Rather than delaying the renewables roll-out until mine closure, a strategic plan for a staggered roll-out of a series of microgrids is in place over the next 10 years. Initial projects are set to come online in the Little Paradise region within the next 3 years.

Traditional Owner Business Opportunities

Solar Panel Maintenance and Fault Inspection: Ensure the seamless functioning of solar panels through regular maintenance and fault inspections.

Under-Panel Vegetation Trimming: Contribute to the efficiency of solar panels by managing vegetation around the panels.

Line and Network Maintenance: Play a vital role in maintaining the infrastructure that powers the community.