  • Environmental

GHAC Advances Winchelsea Mining Project with Environmental Impact Assessment

GHAC Advances Winchelsea Mining Project with Environmental Impact Assessment Groote Holdings Aboriginal Corporation (GHAC) is pleased to announce significant progress in the environmental assessment process for the Winchelsea Mining Project. This milestone underscores GHAC's commitment to sustainable development and responsible stewardship of the environment in the Groote Archipelago. EIS Project Objectives The objectives, as summarised in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), reflect GHAC's holistic approach to the Winchelsea Mining Project: [...]

  • Environment

Celebrates Progress in Little Paradise and Winchelsea Mine Projects

GHAC Celebrates Progress in Little Paradise and Winchelsea Mine Projects Groote Holdings Aboriginal Corporation (GHAC) is pleased to announce significant progress made in the Little Paradise and Winchelsea Mine projects during the year 2023. This progress marks a step forward in GHAC's commitment to sustainable development and economic prosperity for the local community. GHAC Celebrates Progress in Little Paradise and Winchelsea Mine Projects Groote Holdings Aboriginal Corporation (GHAC) is [...]

  • Anindilyakwa

Groote Holdings and Anindilyakwa Collaboration

Groote Holdings and Anindilyakwa Collaboration The collaboration between Groote Holdings Aboriginal Corporation and the Anindilyakwa Land & Sea Rangers to successfully remove a 5 tonne foreign fishing net off the south coast of Groote Eylandt. Foreign nets, known as ghost nets are pushed into the Gulf of Carpentaria during the monsoon season. These discarded nets originate from domestic and foreign fishing operations and represent significant risks, not only a marine navigational hazard but also [...]

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